Sunday, April 5, 2020

Working in the pandemic

Many areas that are being hit hard with COVID19 are asking for retired physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, and others to return to work. Some areas are using the retired professionals for remote work, others want the retired professionals to return to active practice. Recently, the AMA gave some guidance on retired physicians returning to work (

Even though I have not yet retired, I have been concerned due to risks since I am a single parent with several factors increasing my risk. I am not someone who is not an internist or intensivist, but I have had some experience in intensive care. I have been trying to do as much as possible remotely, and feel that is best in my situation. Yet, I feel some guilt that I am not shouldering my responsibility. Yet, I also have a duty to my children who worry that I may die and they would be "orphans again." I told them that I will try to stay safe and that, since I had a respiratory illness already this year, that I may have already survived it and be immune. I would like to confirm that with testing, and feel that if I am immune, I would have less worry about the illness. I hope that is the case. 

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